Water Well Drilling FAQ’s

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Water Well Drilling FAQs


How do we quote the depth and flow rate in a particular area?

Alberta government has a database where all newly drilled wells are registered along with thousands of previously drilled wells. We will gather that information based on where the new well will be drilled, that paired with the driller’s knowledge of the area we can estimate a well depth. These drillers logs also provide flow rate information along with lithology and well construction. With your estimate package, you will receive printed copies of nearby wells for your reference.

How long will it take to drill my water well?

The time it takes to drill the well can vary based on a few different things, for example, ground formations encountered, depth of the well and weather. It is very important to hire a company that will work efficiently but will also take the time to design and construct a high-quality water well.  It can be easy to put the casing in the ground and get some clean water, it takes skill and time to do it all correctly, and follow good drilling practices.

We take pride in completing projects efficiently but more importantly correctly. Water wells that are designed right will last a very long time, so taking the time to drill and construct them correctly is extremely important!

To ensure all this, we follow precise drilling procedures —— without compromise. We take the time to understand and record ground formations and design a well that will meet the customer’s needs and expectations.


What to look for when hiring a Water Well Drilling Contractor?

Review their website:

Some companies focus mainly on industrial projects and their website will reflect this. Residential water well projects are a drop in the bucket compared to the “big” industrial jobs they hope to acquire. The last thing you want is a contractor that is preoccupied with the big projects and you are left wondering why you can’t get a callback or why your project keeps getting delayed.

Stone River Waterwells Ltd. focuses solely on Residential and Agricultural water wells. IT IS our business. When you call, we will answer, and give it full priority! What kind of equipment do they operate? At StoneRiver, we operate well maintained, clean equipment that has a proven track record. We continually upgrade and service our equipment and complete safety checks to ensure we are always ready to drill. Currently, we operate a 1999 International truck with our drilling rig, and have upgraded several operating systems on the rig itself. Balancing equipment cost with being able to give exceptional value to our customers is what we strive to do.


Who are you hiring? How much experience do they have?

Who will work with you throughout the entire process? At StoneRiver you deal with one person, throughout the entire project. You may see Stone River Waterwells Ltd. staff on-site, assisting with each process, but one person is responsible for everything, including the customer service, from start to finish!


Should I get a Water Well or a Cistern?

Both have advantages and disadvantages. A well is a great option for an unlimited supply of water with no monthly water hauling costs. A cistern can be great if you are in an area where finding water can be difficult, or if you prefer city water. Water hauling costs can get expensive, and cistern maintenance is required to maintain the clean drinking water. We have partnered up with CB Max Excavating, so for us we can offer honest advice on whether a Well or Cistern would work best for your needs.


How much water flow (gallons per min) do I need out of my water well to be sufficient for my household?

We aim for a minimum of 3 gallons per minute to sufficiently supply a house. Other contributing factors can play a part in that number, such as static water level in the well - (A well that has 200’ of water “head” above the pump will have approx 250 gallons of usable water storage, plus what the aquifers will produce). Less than 3 gallons per min can still be useable, however, we may have to install a small, in house cistern, to keep plenty of water on hand; allowing the well to slowly pump into the cistern and keep it full. These systems work great, and rarely have the issue of running out of water.


My water has stopped flowing, what should I do?

Turn the breaker off to the pump and call us! We may be able to diagnose over the phone and get you up and running again. If not, we will be out as soon as possible with a fully-stocked service truck, and get you back up and running in no time!


Can my pump get stuck in my well?

Yes. Unfortunately, over time, old steel casing wells tend to collapse. They generally rot from the outside of the casing inward, thus, giving no warning until its too late. Once this happens you will most likely get sand in your water or have a drastic change in quality. Once this happens we will do our best to retrieve the pump, hose and wire, and will have to drill a new well. During this period we will supply you with an above-ground cistern and pump so you won’t be out of water for more than a few hours!


Can we fix an old steel casing well?

Generally not. The time it takes to remove the old casing or liner, clean out the well, reinstall new liner materials with packers, the cost would not be much less than a new well with a full warranty.


Can I have a well in my subdivision?

Yes! Every household in Alberta is entitled to 1 water well for household supply. Additional tests may be required for government purposes; to confirm water sustainability in that particular area. We take care of everything required!


Why do some wells have great tasting water and others in the same area don’t?

Water well design is a huge component to having a quality Water Well. In most cases, the cost for each well will be the same, but the time and effort put into the better Well will make the difference in the end. Knowing that the contractor you hired will put the time and effort into your water well design, to make it the best it can be, is incredibly important.


Why are your pumps more expensive compared to ones I could buy at a big box store?

Like most things, you get what you pay for. Cheap pumps, although they look the same, are made with far less quality internal parts. Most often they will last just past the warranty period and will need to be replaced. Our pumps are designed to last! We have personally pulled pumps out of wells 30 years old and older! Paying once and having the confidence your pump will last a very long time and not leave you without water at the worst possible time will pay off in the long run!


The driller said my well produces 5 Gallons per minute, can I pump it a 5 gallons per min?

Unfortunately not. When a well is pumped at its maximum producing level, it can be what’s called “over-pumped”. In short, 2 things can happen: sand can start entering the well bore, as there is no hydrostatic pressure to hold it back, and you can change the structure of the aquifer, causing the channels that the water travelled though to either get plugged off or collapse. The driller will recommend a pumping rate for your well, it is important to stick to that, and not cause any damage to your water well.


How often should I chlorinate my well?

Once a year is recommended, but may not be necessary. If you notice a change in water quality, it might be time. Also, taking water samples to your local lab and having an analysis done may reveal any problems. Keep those reports, and over time you will have an idea of what the water makeup is in your particular well. If you notice a change, a shock chlorination might be necessary


I am looking at buying some land or property, how do I know if there will be the potential for a water well?

Call us before you buy! We will do a search of the area and will be able to give you a very good idea of the depth and volume of water you can expect. Knowing these things can help you make a good decision on where to build a home. The cost of drilling a 120’ water well compared to a 450’ well can be quite large, and the savings could be used elsewhere.


Will it cost to get a quote for my drilled well or for a service call?

Never! Quotes and information are always free! Call anytime, email or text. We will be more than happy to answer any of your questions! We will spend as much time as you need to fully understand your water system and quote!


I have more questions. How can I get in touch?


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