Types of Wells Drilled

Serving Parkland, Lac Ste Anne, Brazeau, Sturgeon, Leduc, Strathcona, Barrhead, Yellowhead and Westlock counties.


Types of Wells Drilled

Stone River Waterwells Ltd. has over 15 years of experience drilling and servicing water wells across North Central Alberta. We specialize in 2 types of water well design: Screened wells and Bedrock wells.

Screen water wells are usually constructed in unconsolidated sand or gravel water-bearing formations. They consist of 6” PVC casing connected to a stainless steel screen, with a 10/20 filter sand between the formation and screen. Screens are selected based on the granular size of the formation where the screen will be set to maximize well production/flow.

Bedrock water wells are constructed in a consolidated formation (bedrock) and are designed using a 6’’ PVC surface casing, connected to a PVC “shoe” that is installed in the bedrock at a very precise location. Once the surface casing is installed, a borehole is drilled and the water-bearing aquifers are exposed. Once sufficient water flow is found, the well is completed with a PVC liner, with specific perforations, custom cut into the liner, allowing water from only the designated formations to enter into the wellbore.

Based on the Alberta government database, the drillers’ knowledge of the area, and reviewing with the customer what their needs ( and expectations ) are, we can determine whether a screened well or bedrock well is right for you! Call us today to discuss your water well drilling options in your areas. We look forward to partnering with you!


Book now for the 2021 & 2022 seasons. Limited availability.

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