Trenching Services

Providing Trenching Services to Parkland, Lac Ste Anne, Brazeau, Sturgeon, Leduc, Strathcona, Barrhead, Yellowhead and Westlock counties.


 Trenching Services

Once a well is completed, hose and wire need to be trenched into the home, or other desired location, ie. garden hydrants, shops or garages, RV parking etc. Ensuring the hose and pitless adapter are dug to the correct depth is very important. If not completed properly the lines may freeze in the winter, causing you to lose water flow to your home. This can be a costly repair and a major inconvenience. We only hire the best subcontractors with the proper excavation equipment and well-trained operators. Working with a trusted sewer or septic installation company, we can install the water and the power while the equipment is on-site, saving the customer money on a return trip.

Stone River Waterwells Ltd. provides trenching services to Parkland, Lac Ste Anne, Brazeau, Sturgeon, Leduc, Strathcona, Barrhead, Yellowhead and Westlock counties.

Contact Stone River Waterwells Ltd. to discuss your trenching options today!


Book now for the 2021 & 2022 Drilling Seasons. Limited Availability.

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